The team of the Matteucci Institute is made up of young art historians whose formation has been getting more and more qualified through the study and in-depth analysis of modern Italian art. Their collaboration concerns the coordination and scientific management of the various areas, as well as the planning, realization and involvement in the several cultural initiatives.

After attending an art marketing course at SDA Bocconi in Milan, Elisabetta Palminteri graduated in 1999 at the University of Pisa in History of Contemporary Art, with a thesis centred on the reconstruction of the sculptor Rinaldo Carnielo's private collection of paintings. Since then she has devoted herself with passion to the Italian figurative art of the second half of the nineteenth century, concentrating her interests on the in-depth study and critical recovery of the great historical nuclei of the modern Italian collections. In the year 1997/1998 she took an active part in the scientific committee of the work “Pittori e pittura dell'Ottocento Italiano”, published by De Agostini. She was involved in the organization of some exhibitions, both retrospective and monographic, about some protagonists of the nineteenth-century Italian painting. At present she is responsible for the scientific coordination at Matteucci Institute.

Graduated in 2002 in “Conservazione dei Beni Culturali” at the University of Pisa, with the thesis “Arturo Martini pensa in terracotta come Fidia pensa in marmo. Temi classici nella scultura di Arturo Martini”. In 2004 she got a master in "La fruizione sostenibile del territorio e del patrimonio culturale. Metodologie e applicazioni per la progettazione e gestione di sistemi museali", at the High Formation Centre of the “Scuola Normale Superiore” in Pisa and in the same year she was admitted to the Postgraduate School of Contemporary History of Art at the University of Pisa. From 2005 to 2010 she was an Assistant Curator in the Modern and Contemporary Civic Gallery of Torino. She worked on the study and preservation of the collections, on permanent outfittings and on the organization of temporary exhibitions. She also dealt with the editorial coordination, of the writing of some critical cards and of the text settings for the catalogue “Disegni del XIX secolo della Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Torino. Fogli scelti del “Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe” (2009). At present, in the Matteucci Institute, she deals with the curatorship of the exhibitions and of the collections catalogues.

Graduated in 1997 in History of Art at the University of Pisa, where in 2002 she specialized in History of Decorative Arts. She collaborated on some publications and ventures in the field. She took part in a CEI project on the inventorying, cataloguing and critical computerizing of the national ecclesiastic heritage. At present she works at some important projects of the Matteucci Institute, such as the editing of catalogues and the organization of the exhibitions.

Specialized in 2008 in History of Modern Art at the University of Pisa, with the thesis "Iconologia del mito di Bacco nella Galleria del Palazzo Ducale estense di Sassuolo". From 2007 to 2010 she dealt with the permanent collection and outfittings of the temporary exhibitions in the Civic Museum "Giovanni Fattori" in Livorno. Here she was also involved in several editorial projects and on the organization of art learning activities. As a member of the Association of the Museum Friends, since 2009 she has collaborated with the Gallery of Modern and Contemporary art "Lorenzo Viani" in Viareggio, taking part in the didactic, promotional and administrative planning of the institution. In 2011 she got the II level master "Mediazione culturale nei musei: aspetti didattici, sperimentali, valutativi" at the faculty of "Scienze della Formazione" at the University of Rome, enriching her knowledge of the different kinds of museum visitors and the specific educational events. At present, in the Matteucci Institute, she deals with the curatorship of the collections catalogues.

Graduated in 2001 in "Conservazione dei Beni Culturali" at the University of Pisa with a thesis on the florentine collecting and art market in the second half of the nineteenth century entitled "Stefano Bardini e il suo museo". In 2008 he specialized in History of Arts at the University of Florence, with a thesis on Tommaso Puccini, director of the Florentine galleries from 1893 to 1911: "Il viaggio a Napoli di Tommaso Puccini". Between 2002 and 2008 he collaborated with the Arts History Department at the University of Pisa, with the Visual Arts Laboratory at the "Scuola Normale Superiore" of Pisa, with the "Amici del Bargello-Onlus" association to computerize and to publish online the inventories of the Florentine museum and with the "Fondazione Memofonte Onlus" of Florence, directed by Paola Barocchi, with the task of researching, studying and processing the historical-artistic sources. Since 2008 he has collaborated with the Matteucci Institute as a keeper of the archives, taking also part in the curatorship of the collections catalogues.
Maurizio Agnellini |
Vittoria Crespi Morbio |
Paul Nicholls |